Useful links
Updated November 2015
These are some of the groups MCB students participate in. Listing on this page does not necessarily indicate the GSO's endorsement of either the group or the students involved. Likewise, the organizations listed here do not necessarily endorse the GSO.
Departmental Groups and Campus Governance
- MCB 295 Careers for Life Science PhDs: This is a course directed by the MCB 295 organizers, who are elected members of the GSO.
- UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly: The department is offered 3 delegate positions in the UC Berkeley graduate assembly. The 6 GA delegates, officers of the GSO, serve two year terms in the GSO, with the senior officers serving as primary delegates to the GA, and junior officers serving as alternates.
- Molecular and Cell Biology Grad Network
- Molecular and Cell Biology Graduate Student and Alumni Association
- Science Leadership and Management (SLAM) Seminar Series
- Thriving in Science
- Student Health Advisory Committee
- Student Health Insurance Advisory Committee
Science Outreach
- BASIS: Bay Area Scientists in Schools
- EYH: Expanding Your Horizons in Science + Mathematics
- Prison University Project
Are you an MCB graduate student involved in a campus committee or outreach group that you would like to see listed here? Please contact us to let us know.
Want to get involved in the MCB GSO?
Elections are held every Spring.
If you'd like to get involved sooner, just contact the president.
Just don't forget to nominate yourself in the Spring!