From innovative Bay Area biotech companies to pioneering labs and core facilities, our internship program's partners provide you with an invaluable opportunity to gain highly desired research experience. You have the option of working with our industrial partners to learn the inner workings of a biotech company while performing cutting edge research to advance novel therapeutics, or with one of our academic partners, you can chase the unknown, helping to answer critical questions in the biomedical field.
Explore our industrial and academic partners who are participating in our internship program below:
Our Industrial Partners

Our Academic Partners
Molecular and Cell Biology Department
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
HHMI Investigator, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology
Innovative Genomics Institute
Director of Microbiome Editing Technologies
Director of the Center for CRISPR Target Discovery
Campus Core Facilities