Alumni and Friends

Commencement students in regalia

Banner image credit: Brittany Hosea-Small


This webpage provides insight into UC Berkeley’s MCB BA and PhD alumni post-graduation career outcomes, offers resources, and incites community among our valued alumni.

  • MCB Career Outcomes: By navigating through our MCB Career Outcomes section, you will be able to explore alumni career outcomes, top alumni employers, and career trajectories of BA and PhD alumni.
  • Staying Connected: If you are an alumni visiting our page, please explore this section to see how you may become involved with UC Berkeley’s MCB Alumni communities.
  • Alumni Profiles: Through this section, you can learn more about our alumni, their experiences, tips, and current career paths. By further exploring our Alumni Profiles, you can sort through our BA and PhD Alumni and learn more about their experiences in pursuing their career endeavors by clicking on their headshots and reading through their profiles!


MCB Career Outcomes

Following their time at UC Berkeley our alumni emerge with the necessary skills and experiences to pursue remarkable careers ranging from multiple facets of research to biotechnology, medical school, pharmaceuticals, other health professionals, and more. While career paths are ever-changing and evolving, alumni carry through various fields and explore avenues of paid employment, academia, further training, and more to achieve their professional goals. To gain insight into career trajectories, please explore our collected data on alumni careers as expressed in the charts below. 


BA Career Outcomes

Alumni careers immediately following graduation largely for BA Alumni factored into further training, education, and paid employment. Of 303 alumni who responded to our BA alumni, 45.9% (139) went into further training or education immediately following graduation. Of those who did not pursue further training or education, the remaining 54.1% (164) went on to pursue careers in paid employment immediately following graduation. The expressed initial career outcomes demonstrated that BA alumni largely went into research, research programs (MS/PhD), medical school, biotech, and varying healthcare fields.

MCB BA alumni Initial Paid Employment 2014-2024MCB_BA alumni Initial Further Training-Education 2014-2024

Of 303 BA alumni included in the outcomes, 39.2%(119) expressed a career change. A total of 26.9%(31) of those who experienced a career change from their graduation to now went on to pursue careers in Paid Employment with the remaining 72.7%(89) pursuing a career in further training/education. Reflected in the charts below are the careers currently being pursued by BA Alumni. 

MCB_BAalumni_Current Careers_2014-2024


PhD Career Outcomes

Following graduation, the majority of PhD Alumni progressed into job categories such as biotech, academia, pharmaceuticals, government, and others. Of 46 alumni who responded to the PhD alumni survey, 28.3% (13) experienced a career change from their initial, post-graduation endeavors to current endeavors. The remaining 71.7% (33) did not experience a career change. Currently, PhD alumni continue to dominate the biotech, academia, and pharmaceutical fields. 

MCB_PhDalumni_Initial_Career Sectors_2014-2024 MCB_PhDalumni_Current Career Outcomes_2014-2024

Staying Connected

MCB alumni are critical members of our community and as a department, we value staying connected and learning about all the inspiring work you go on to do! If you would like to keep up to date on the happenings of the MCB alumni community please visit our bi-annually newsletter, The Transcript, join our MCB alumni network on LinkedIn (Undergrad alumni or PhD alumni), and send us your update. 

Upcoming events:

  • MCB alumni reception at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference | January 15, 2025 | 5:30p-8:30p | 111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco. Register here.  
  • The College of Letters & Science presents "Basic Science Lights the Way" a series of enlightening virtual discussions, featuring our brilliant faculty and students.


Alumni Profiles

We are proud of our alumni and all that they go on to achieve. Interact with the alumni highlights below to learn more about our alumni’s success stories, experiences, tips, and career pursuits.

BA 2021
Graduate Student
BA 2018
Dhruv Puri, MS4
UCSD Health
BA 2019
Staff Research Associate
BA 2015
Assistant Professor / Assistant Director
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia / University of Pennsylvania
BA 2019
Medical student
BA 2024
Computational Biologist
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
BA 2022
Medical Scribe
Clovis Community Medical Center
BA 2018
Senior Research Associate
BA 2021
PhD Student in Tetrad program at UCSF
BA 2019
PhD Candidate, Bioinformatics
Temple University