
Below you will find directory information for MCB faculty members. For a list of faculty with their research interests, see the Faculty Research Descriptions page.

Faculty | Lecturers | Emeriti and Professors of the Graduate School


Hillel Adesnik
Associate Professor, Affiliated of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-2107hadesnik@berkeley.edu201 Weill Hall
Ana Arruda
Assistant Professor, Affiliated of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
aarruda@berkeley.edu129 Morgan Hall
Greg Barton
Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 642-2083barton@berkeley.edu401A Weill Hall
Helen Bateup
Associate Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 664-4010bateup@berkeley.edu291A Weill Hall
Diana Bautista
Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-8460dbautista@berkeley.edu351A Weill Hall
Eric Betzig
Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
ebcal@berkeley.edu306 Barker Hall
David Bilder
Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-8605bilder@berkeley.edu539A Weill Hall
Gloria Brar
Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
510-664-7064gabrar@berkeley.edu628 Barker Hall
Steven E. Brenner
Professor (Affiliated) of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 643-9131brenner@compbio.berkeley.edu461A Koshland Hall
Stephen Brohawn
Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 664-4644brohawn@berkeley.edu289A Weill Hall
Carlos Bustamante
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Raymond and Beverly Sackler Chair and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 643-9706carlosb@berkeley.edu608A Stanley Hall
Jamie H. D. Cate
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 541-7235j-h-doudna-cate@berkeley.eduInnovative Genomics Institute, Rm 212C
Phillip Cleves Phillip
Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
WithheldArrives January 1, 2026
Kathleen Collins
Walter and Ruth Schubert Family Chair, Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 643-1598kcollins@berkeley.edu522 Barker Hall
Laurent Coscoy
Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 643-4128lcoscoy@berkeley.edu451A Weill Hall
Jeffery Cox
C.H. Li Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Endocrinology, Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 664-7206jeff.cox@berkeley.edu388 Li Ka Shing Center
Yang Dan
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 643-2833ydan@berkeley.edu230D LKS
Xavier Darzacq
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 664-9103darzacq@berkeley.edu488 Li Ka Shing Center
Abby Dernburg
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 666-3615afdernburg@lbl.gov331A Weill Hall
Andrew Dillin
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Thomas and Stacey Siebel Distinguished Chair in Stem Cell Biology and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 666-3736dillin@berkeley.edu400A Li Ka Shing Center
Jennifer A. Doudna
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, Li Ka Shing Chancellor's Chair in Biomedical and Health Sciences and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
doudna@berkeley.edu512G Berkeley Way
David G. Drubin
Ernette Comby Chair in Microbiology Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-3692drubin@berkeley.edu606 Barker
Michel DuPage
Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 664-5085dupage@berkeley.edu441A Weill Hall
Michael B. Eisen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, Raymond & Beverly Sackler Chair in Computational Biology, and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 666-3639mbeisen@berkeley.edu151A Koshland Hall
Marla Feller
Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-1726mfeller@berkeley.edu195A Weill Hall
Yvette Fisher
Assistant Professor, Affiliated of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 664-4339yfisher@berkeley.edu131A Weill Hall
John G. Flannery
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 642-0178flannery@berkeley.edu112B Barker Hall
Daniel A. Fletcher
Professor (Affiliated) of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-5624fletch@berkeley.edu708A Stanley Hall
Meng-meng Fu
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
mengmengfu@berkeley.edu221A Weill Hall
Hernan G. Garcia
Associate Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 664-7847hggarcia@berkeley.edu501C Weill Hall
Britt Glaunsinger
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 642-5427Withheld585B LKS
Andrea Gomez
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 664-4396gomez@berkeley.edu231 Weill Hall
Iswar Hariharan
Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-7438ikh@berkeley.edu525B Weill Hall
Richard Harland
Dean of Biological Sciences, C.H. Li Distinguished Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 643-6003harland@berkeley.edu571A Weill Hall
Eva Harris
Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
510 642-4845eharris@berkeley.edu
Lin He
Thomas and Stacey Siebel Distinguished Chair in Stem Cell Research and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-9338lhe@berkeley.edu300C Li Ka Shing Center
Rebecca Heald
Department Co-Chair and Flora Lamson Hewlett Chair and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-5493bheald@berkeley.edu311A Weill Hall
Dirk Hockemeyer
Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 664-9851hockemeyer@berkeley.edu400B Li Ka Shing Center
James Hurley
Kirsch Springer Chair in Biological Sciences and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-9483jimhurley@berkeley.edu374D Stanley Hall
Nicholas Ingolia
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 664-7071ingolia@berkeley.edu422 Barker Hall
Ehud Isacoff
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-9853ehud@berkeley.edu271A Weill Hall
Gary Karpen
Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 486-5034gkarpen@berkeley.edu341A Weill Hall
Nicole King
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 643-9395nking@berkeley.edu708B Stanley Hall
David Kirn
Adjunct Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Arash Komeili
Professor (Affiliated) of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-2140komeili@berkeley.edu261A Koshland Hall
Doug Koshland
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Chair in the Biological Sciences & Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 643-5223koshland@berkeley.edu408 Barker Hall
Richard H. Kramer
CH and Annie Li Chair in Molecular Biology of Diseases and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-2406rhkramer@berkeley.edu121A Weill Hall
John Kuriyan
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Chancellor's Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 643-0137kuriyan@berkeley.edu508B Stanley Hall
Liana Lareau
Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 664-4925lareau@berkeley.edu512B Innovative Genomics Institute Building
Samantha Lewis
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 664-5834samlewis@berkeley.edu371A Weill Hall
Lorenzo Lones
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
llones@berkeley.edu599 Weill Hall
Bronwyn Lucas
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
bronwynlucas@berkeley.eduArrives 7/1/23
Ellen Lumpkin
Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 664-5199lumpkin@berkeley.edu351D Weill Hall
Kunxin Luo
Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-3183kluo@berkeley.edu384 Li Ka Shing
Michael Marletta
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-8758marletta@berkeley.edu374B Stanley Hall
Susan Marqusee
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 642-7678marqusee@berkeley.edu576 Stanley Hall
Megan Martik
Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 664-4930martik@berkeley.edu591A Weill Hall
Andreas Martin
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 666-2763a.martin@berkeley.edu570 Stanley Hall
Sabeeha Merchant
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
sabeeha@berkeley.edu408B Stanley Hall
Barbara Meyer
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 643-5585bjmeyer@berkeley.edu125 Koshland Hall
Craig T. Miller
Judy Chandler Webb Endowed Chair in the Biological Sciences and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 642-7840ctmiller@berkeley.edu551D Weill Hall
Evan Miller
Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-1617evanwmiller@berkeley.edu227 Hildebrand Hall
Priya Moorjani
Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 664-5149moorjani@berkeley.edu308C Stanley Hall
Ahmad Nabhan
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
nabhan@berkeley.eduArrives Jan 2025
Dipti Nayak
Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 664-5267dnayak@berkeley.edu141 Koshland Hall
David Nguyen
Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Eva Nogales
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-0557enogales@lbl.gov708C Stanley Hall
Daniel K. Nomura
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 643-7258dnomura@berkeley.eduInnovative Genomics Institute Building 312G
James Nuñez
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
jamesnunez@berkeley.edu506 Barker Hall
Molly Ohainle
Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 664-4581ohainle@berkeley.edu
James Olzmann
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 642-1053olzmann@berkeley.edu386 Li Ka Shing Center
Eunyong Park
Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
510-664-5170eunyong_park@berkeley.edu470 Stanley Hall
Margaux Pinney
Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
UnavailableArrives July 1, 2025
Daniel Portnoy
Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 643-3925portnoy@berkeley.edu508 Barker
Michael Rape
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 289-4413mrape@berkeley.edu300B LKS
David Raulet
Esther and Wendy Schekman Chair in Basic Cancer Biology, and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 642-9521raulet@berkeley.edu481A Weill Hall
Filipa Rijo-Ferreira
Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Donald Rio
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-1071don_rio@berkeley.edu161A Koshland Hall
Ellen Robey
Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 642-8669erobey@berkeley.edu471A Weill Hall
Daniel S. Rokhsar
Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 642-8314dsrokhsar@gmail.com541A Weill Hall
David Savage
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 643-7847dsavage@berkeley.edu512H Innovative Genomics Institute
Robert Saxton
Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
David Schaffer
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 643-5963schaffer@berkeley.edu274 Stanley Hall
Julia Schaletzky
Executive Director, Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases and Assistant Adjunct Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 664-5364jschaletzky@berkeley.edu344A Li Ka Shing Center
Randy Schekman
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-5686schekman@berkeley.edu482 Li Ka Shing Center
Alanna Schepartz
CZ and Irmgard Distinguished Chair of Chemistry, Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 664-5269schepartz@berkeley.eduTan Hall 491-497
Kimberley Seed
Associate Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Max Staller
Assistant Professor in Residence of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
mstaller@berkeley.edu171 Koshland Hall
Sarah A. Stanley
Associate Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 666-3729sastanley@berkeley.edu500C Li Ka Shing
Peter Sudmant
Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 664-4700psudmant@berkeley.edu4112 VLSB
Ian Swinburne
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 664-4068swinburne@berkeley.edu589A Weill Hall
Denis Titov
Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 664-4562titov@berkeley.edu125 Morgan Hall
Robert Tjian
Howard Hughes Medical Institute President and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 642-0884tijcal@berkeley.edu486 Li Ka Shing Center
Elçin Ünal
Associate Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 664-9076elcin@berkeley.edu622 Barker Hall
Srigokul Upadhyayula (Gokul)
Assistant Professor in Residence of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
sup@berkeley.edu320 Barker Hall
Fyodor Urnov
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
Russell Vance
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 642-3264rvance@berkeley.edu419A Weill Hall
Allon Wagner
Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Matthew Welch
Department Co-Chair and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 643-9019welch@berkeley.edu301A Weill Hall
Noah Whiteman
Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
whiteman@berkeley.edu321A Weill
Ross Wilson
Assistant Adjunct Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 643-0108rosswilson@berkeley.edu
Ahmet Yildiz
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 666-3792yildiz@berkeley.edu474 Stanley Hall
Ziyang Zhang
Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Molecular Therapeutics
ziyang@berkeley.edu724 Latimer Hall
Roberto Zoncu
Professor of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 664-7108rzoncu@berkeley.edu300A Li Ka Shing Center


Robin Ball
Continuing Lecturer
rwball@berkeley.edu134 Weill Hall
Robert Beatty
Senior Continuing Lecturer of Immunology
(510) 642-0671prbeatty@berkeley.edu176 Weill Hall
Tamira Elul
tamiraelul@berkeley.edu134 Weill Hall
Isabelle Le Blanc
Continuing Lecturer
(510) 642-4054ileblanc@berkeley.edu100C LKS
Helen Lew
Continuing Lecturer
h_lew@yahoo.com101 Donner Hall
Georg Schwarzer
Continuing Lecturer
cschwarzer@berkeley.edu101 Donner Hall
Steve Takata
Continuing Lecturer
steve_takata@yahoo.com101 Donner Hall

Emeriti and Professors of the Graduate School

Mark Alper
Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
510-339-8595mdalper@berkeley.edu401 Barker Hall
Giovanna Ferro-Luzzi Ames
Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 450-7625giovanna@ferro-luzzi.org
Georjana Barnes
Professor Emerita of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 642-5962gbarnes@berkeley.edu608 Barker
Steven Beckendorf
Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 642-7906beckendo@berkeley.edu406 Barker Hall
Michael Botchan
Professor Emeritus of Molecular Therapeutics
(510) 642-7057mbotchan@berkeley.edu380 Li Ka Shing Center
Beth Burnside
Professor Emerita of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
W. Zacheus Cande
Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
zcande@berkeley.edu391 Weill Hall
Michael Chamberlin
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
Thomas Cline
Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 643-5632sxlcline@berkeley.edu131A Koshland
Peter Duesberg
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-6549duesberg@berkeley.edu353 Donner Lab
Gary Firestone
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-8319glfire@berkeley.edu565 Weill Hall
Gian Garriga
Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 642-5859garriga@berkeley.edu141 Koshland Hall
John Gerhart
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-6382jgerhart@berkeley.edu565B Weill Hall
Robert Glaeser
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-2905rmglaeser@lbl.gov363B Donner Lab
Caroline Kane
Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-4118kanecm@berkeley.edu34 Koshland Hall
Judith Klinman
Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-2668klinman@berkeley.edu608 C Stanley
Stuart Linn
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-7583slinn@berkeley.edu206 Barker Hall
Terry Machen
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-2983tmachen@berkeley.edu231A Weill Hall
G. Steven Martin
Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-1508gsm@berkeley.edu480 Li Ka Shing Center
John Ngai
Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology
(510) 642-9885jngai@socrates.berkeley.edu269A Weill Hall
Hiroshi Nikaido
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-2027nhiroshi@berkeley.edu426 Barker Hall
W. Geoffrey Owen
Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology
(510) 643-8878gowen@berkeley.edu105B Donner Lab
Edward Penhoet
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-7227penhoet@berkeley.edu480 LKS
Mu-ming Poo
Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology
mpoo@berkeley.edu200B LKS
Jasper Rine
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor and Professor of the Graduate School Division of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
(510) 642-7047jrine@berkeley.edu406 Barker Hall
Henk Roelink
Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
510 642 5126roelink@berkeley.edu171A Koshland Hall
Kristin Scott
Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development
William Sha
Professor Emeritus of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
Jeremy Thorner
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-2558jthorner@berkeley.edu526 Barker Hall
David Weisblat
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-8309weisblat@berkeley.edu381A Weill Hall
Frank Werblin
Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology
Gerald Westheimer
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Neurobiology
(510) 642-4828gwestheimer@berkeley.edu144 Weill Hall
Fred Wilt
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology
(510) 642-2807wilt@berkeley.edu569A Weill Hall
Astar Winoto
Williams Endowed Chair and Professor Emeritus of Immunology and Molecular Medicine
(510) 642-0217winoto@berkeley.edu449 Weill Hall
Qiang Zhou
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 643-1697qzhou@berkeley.edu585A Li Ka Shing Center
Bob Zucker
Professor of the Graduate School Division of Molecular and Cell Biology
(510) 642-3407zucker@berkeley.edu111A Weill Hall
David Zusman
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology
(510) 642-2293zusman@berkeley.edu308 Barker Hall