Below you will find directory information for MCB faculty members. For a list of faculty with their research interests, see the Faculty Research Descriptions page.
Faculty | Lecturers | Emeriti and Professors of the Graduate School
Name | Phone | Office | |
Hillel Adesnik Associate Professor, Affiliated of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-2107 | hadesnik@berkeley.edu | 201 Weill Hall |
Ana Arruda Assistant Professor, Affiliated of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | aarruda@berkeley.edu | 129 Morgan Hall | |
Greg Barton Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 642-2083 | barton@berkeley.edu | 401A Weill Hall |
Helen Bateup Associate Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 664-4010 | bateup@berkeley.edu | 291A Weill Hall |
Diana Bautista Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-8460 | dbautista@berkeley.edu | 351A Weill Hall |
Eric Betzig Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | ebcal@berkeley.edu | 306 Barker Hall | |
David Bilder Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-8605 | bilder@berkeley.edu | 539A Weill Hall |
Gloria Brar Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | 510-664-7064 | gabrar@berkeley.edu | 628 Barker Hall |
Steven E. Brenner Professor (Affiliated) of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 643-9131 | brenner@compbio.berkeley.edu | 461A Koshland Hall |
Stephen Brohawn Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 664-4644 | brohawn@berkeley.edu | 289A Weill Hall |
Carlos Bustamante Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Raymond and Beverly Sackler Chair and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 643-9706 | carlosb@berkeley.edu | 608A Stanley Hall |
Jamie H. D. Cate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 541-7235 | j-h-doudna-cate@berkeley.edu | Innovative Genomics Institute, Rm 212C |
Phillip Cleves
Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | Withheld | Arrives January 1, 2026 | |
Kathleen Collins Walter and Ruth Schubert Family Chair, Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 643-1598 | kcollins@berkeley.edu | 522 Barker Hall |
Laurent Coscoy Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 643-4128 | lcoscoy@berkeley.edu | 451A Weill Hall |
Jeffery Cox C.H. Li Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Endocrinology, Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 664-7206 | jeff.cox@berkeley.edu | 388 Li Ka Shing Center |
Yang Dan Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 643-2833 | ydan@berkeley.edu | 230D LKS |
Xavier Darzacq Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 664-9103 | darzacq@berkeley.edu | 488 Li Ka Shing Center |
Abby Dernburg Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 666-3615 | afdernburg@lbl.gov | 331A Weill Hall |
Andrew Dillin Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Thomas and Stacey Siebel Distinguished Chair in Stem Cell Biology and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 666-3736 | dillin@berkeley.edu | 400A Li Ka Shing Center |
Jennifer A. Doudna Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, Li Ka Shing Chancellor's Chair in Biomedical and Health Sciences and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | doudna@berkeley.edu | 512G Berkeley Way | |
David G. Drubin Ernette Comby Chair in Microbiology Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-3692 | drubin@berkeley.edu | 606 Barker |
Michel DuPage Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 664-5085 | dupage@berkeley.edu | 441A Weill Hall |
Michael B. Eisen Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, Raymond & Beverly Sackler Chair in Computational Biology, and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 666-3639 | mbeisen@berkeley.edu | 151A Koshland Hall |
Marla Feller Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-1726 | mfeller@berkeley.edu | 195A Weill Hall |
Yvette Fisher Assistant Professor, Affiliated of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 664-4339 | yfisher@berkeley.edu | 131A Weill Hall |
John G. Flannery Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 642-0178 | flannery@berkeley.edu | 112B Barker Hall |
Daniel A. Fletcher Professor (Affiliated) of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-5624 | fletch@berkeley.edu | 708A Stanley Hall |
Meng-meng Fu Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | mengmengfu@berkeley.edu | 221A Weill Hall | |
Hernan G. Garcia Associate Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 664-7847 | hggarcia@berkeley.edu | 501C Weill Hall |
Britt Glaunsinger Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 642-5427 | Withheld | 585B LKS |
Andrea Gomez Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 664-4396 | gomez@berkeley.edu | 231 Weill Hall |
Iswar Hariharan Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-7438 | ikh@berkeley.edu | 525B Weill Hall |
Richard Harland Dean of Biological Sciences, C.H. Li Distinguished Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 643-6003 | harland@berkeley.edu | 571A Weill Hall |
Eva Harris Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | 510 642-4845 | eharris@berkeley.edu | |
Lin He Thomas and Stacey Siebel Distinguished Chair in Stem Cell Research and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-9338 | lhe@berkeley.edu | 300C Li Ka Shing Center |
Rebecca Heald Department Co-Chair and Flora Lamson Hewlett Chair and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-5493 | bheald@berkeley.edu | 311A Weill Hall |
Dirk Hockemeyer Associate Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 664-9851 | hockemeyer@berkeley.edu | 400B Li Ka Shing Center |
James Hurley Kirsch Springer Chair in Biological Sciences and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-9483 | jimhurley@berkeley.edu | 374D Stanley Hall |
Nicholas Ingolia Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 664-7071 | ingolia@berkeley.edu | 422 Barker Hall |
Ehud Isacoff Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-9853 | ehud@berkeley.edu | 271A Weill Hall |
Gary Karpen Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 486-5034 | gkarpen@berkeley.edu | 341A Weill Hall |
Nicole King Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 643-9395 | nking@berkeley.edu | 708B Stanley Hall |
David Kirn Adjunct Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | dkirn@berkeley.edu | ||
Arash Komeili Professor (Affiliated) of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-2140 | komeili@berkeley.edu | 261A Koshland Hall |
Doug Koshland Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Chair in the Biological Sciences & Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 643-5223 | koshland@berkeley.edu | 408 Barker Hall |
Richard H. Kramer CH and Annie Li Chair in Molecular Biology of Diseases and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-2406 | rhkramer@berkeley.edu | 121A Weill Hall |
John Kuriyan Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Chancellor's Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 643-0137 | kuriyan@berkeley.edu | 508B Stanley Hall |
Liana Lareau Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 664-4925 | lareau@berkeley.edu | 512B Innovative Genomics Institute Building |
Samantha Lewis Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 664-5834 | samlewis@berkeley.edu | 371A Weill Hall |
Lorenzo Lones Assistant Professor of Teaching, Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | llones@berkeley.edu | 599 Weill Hall | |
Bronwyn Lucas Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | bronwynlucas@berkeley.edu | Arrives 7/1/23 | |
Ellen Lumpkin Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 664-5199 | lumpkin@berkeley.edu | 351D Weill Hall |
Kunxin Luo Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-3183 | kluo@berkeley.edu | 384 Li Ka Shing |
Michael Marletta Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-8758 | marletta@berkeley.edu | 374B Stanley Hall |
Susan Marqusee Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 642-7678 | marqusee@berkeley.edu | 576 Stanley Hall |
Megan Martik Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 664-4930 | martik@berkeley.edu | 591A Weill Hall |
Andreas Martin Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 666-2763 | a.martin@berkeley.edu | 570 Stanley Hall |
Sabeeha Merchant Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | sabeeha@berkeley.edu | 408B Stanley Hall | |
Barbara Meyer Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 643-5585 | bjmeyer@berkeley.edu | 125 Koshland Hall |
Craig T. Miller Judy Chandler Webb Endowed Chair in the Biological Sciences and Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 642-7840 | ctmiller@berkeley.edu | 551D Weill Hall |
Evan Miller Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-1617 | evanwmiller@berkeley.edu | 227 Hildebrand Hall |
Priya Moorjani Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 664-5149 | moorjani@berkeley.edu | 308C Stanley Hall |
Ahmad Nabhan Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | nabhan@berkeley.edu | Arrives Jan 2025 | |
Dipti Nayak Assistant Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 664-5267 | dnayak@berkeley.edu | 141 Koshland Hall |
David Nguyen Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | david.n.nguyen@berkeley.edu | ||
Eva Nogales Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-0557 | enogales@lbl.gov | 708C Stanley Hall |
Daniel K. Nomura Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 643-7258 | dnomura@berkeley.edu | Innovative Genomics Institute Building 312G |
James Nuñez Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | jamesnunez@berkeley.edu | 506 Barker Hall | |
Molly Ohainle Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 664-4581 | ohainle@berkeley.edu | |
James Olzmann Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 642-1053 | olzmann@berkeley.edu | 386 Li Ka Shing Center |
Eunyong Park Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | 510-664-5170 | eunyong_park@berkeley.edu | 470 Stanley Hall |
Margaux Pinney Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | Unavailable | Arrives July 1, 2025 | |
Daniel Portnoy Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 643-3925 | portnoy@berkeley.edu | 508 Barker |
Michael Rape Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 289-4413 | mrape@berkeley.edu | 300B LKS |
David Raulet Esther and Wendy Schekman Chair in Basic Cancer Biology, and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 642-9521 | raulet@berkeley.edu | 481A Weill Hall |
Filipa Rijo-Ferreira Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | filipaferreira@berkeley.edu | ||
Donald Rio Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-1071 | don_rio@berkeley.edu | 161A Koshland Hall |
Ellen Robey Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 642-8669 | erobey@berkeley.edu | 471A Weill Hall |
Daniel S. Rokhsar Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 642-8314 | dsrokhsar@gmail.com | 541A Weill Hall |
David Savage Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 643-7847 | dsavage@berkeley.edu | 512H Innovative Genomics Institute |
Robert Saxton Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | rsaxton@berkeley.edu | ||
David Schaffer Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 643-5963 | schaffer@berkeley.edu | 274 Stanley Hall |
Julia Schaletzky Executive Director, Center for Emerging and Neglected Diseases and Assistant Adjunct Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 664-5364 | jschaletzky@berkeley.edu | 344A Li Ka Shing Center |
Randy Schekman Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-5686 | schekman@berkeley.edu | 482 Li Ka Shing Center |
Alanna Schepartz CZ and Irmgard Distinguished Chair of Chemistry, Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 664-5269 | schepartz@berkeley.edu | Tan Hall 491-497 |
Kimberley Seed Associate Professor (Affiliated) of Immunology and Molecular Medicine of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | 510-664-7711 | kseed@berkeley.edu | |
Max Staller Assistant Professor in Residence of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | mstaller@berkeley.edu | 171 Koshland Hall | |
Sarah A. Stanley Associate Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 666-3729 | sastanley@berkeley.edu | 500C Li Ka Shing |
Peter Sudmant Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 664-4700 | psudmant@berkeley.edu | 4112 VLSB |
Ian Swinburne Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 664-4068 | swinburne@berkeley.edu | 589A Weill Hall |
Denis Titov Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 664-4562 | titov@berkeley.edu | 125 Morgan Hall |
Robert Tjian Howard Hughes Medical Institute President and Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 642-0884 | tijcal@berkeley.edu | 486 Li Ka Shing Center |
Elçin Ünal Associate Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 664-9076 | elcin@berkeley.edu | 622 Barker Hall |
Srigokul Upadhyayula (Gokul) Assistant Professor in Residence of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | sup@berkeley.edu | 320 Barker Hall | |
Fyodor Urnov Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | urnov@berkeley.edu | ||
Russell Vance Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 642-3264 | rvance@berkeley.edu | 419A Weill Hall |
Allon Wagner Assistant Professor of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | allonwag@berkeley.edu | ||
Matthew Welch Department Co-Chair and Professor of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 643-9019 | welch@berkeley.edu | 301A Weill Hall |
Noah Whiteman Professor of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | whiteman@berkeley.edu | 321A Weill | |
Ross Wilson Assistant Adjunct Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 643-0108 | rosswilson@berkeley.edu | |
Ahmet Yildiz Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 666-3792 | yildiz@berkeley.edu | 474 Stanley Hall |
Ziyang Zhang Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Molecular Therapeutics | ziyang@berkeley.edu | 724 Latimer Hall | |
Roberto Zoncu Professor of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 664-7108 | rzoncu@berkeley.edu | 300A Li Ka Shing Center |
Name | Phone | Office | |
Robin Ball Continuing Lecturer | rwball@berkeley.edu | 134 Weill Hall | |
Robert Beatty Senior Continuing Lecturer of Immunology | (510) 642-0671 | prbeatty@berkeley.edu | 176 Weill Hall |
Tamira Elul Lecturer | tamiraelul@berkeley.edu | 134 Weill Hall | |
Isabelle Le Blanc Continuing Lecturer | (510) 642-4054 | ileblanc@berkeley.edu | 100C LKS |
Helen Lew Continuing Lecturer | h_lew@yahoo.com | 101 Donner Hall | |
Georg Schwarzer Continuing Lecturer | cschwarzer@berkeley.edu | 101 Donner Hall | |
Steve Takata Continuing Lecturer | steve_takata@yahoo.com | 101 Donner Hall |
Emeriti and Professors of the Graduate School
Name | Phone | Office | |
Mark Alper Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | 510-339-8595 | mdalper@berkeley.edu | 401 Barker Hall |
Giovanna Ferro-Luzzi Ames Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 450-7625 | giovanna@ferro-luzzi.org | |
Georjana Barnes Professor Emerita of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 642-5962 | gbarnes@berkeley.edu | 608 Barker |
Steven Beckendorf Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 642-7906 | beckendo@berkeley.edu | 406 Barker Hall |
Michael Botchan Professor Emeritus of Molecular Therapeutics | (510) 642-7057 | mbotchan@berkeley.edu | 380 Li Ka Shing Center |
Beth Burnside Professor Emerita of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | burnside@berkeley.edu | ||
W. Zacheus Cande Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | zcande@berkeley.edu | 391 Weill Hall | |
Michael Chamberlin Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | profmjc@berkeley.edu | ||
Thomas Cline Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 643-5632 | sxlcline@berkeley.edu | 131A Koshland |
Peter Duesberg Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-6549 | duesberg@berkeley.edu | 353 Donner Lab |
Gary Firestone Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-8319 | glfire@berkeley.edu | 565 Weill Hall |
Gian Garriga Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 642-5859 | garriga@berkeley.edu | 141 Koshland Hall |
John Gerhart Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-6382 | jgerhart@berkeley.edu | 565B Weill Hall |
Robert Glaeser Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-2905 | rmglaeser@lbl.gov | 363B Donner Lab |
Caroline Kane Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-4118 | kanecm@berkeley.edu | 34 Koshland Hall |
Judith Klinman Professor Emerita of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-2668 | klinman@berkeley.edu | 608 C Stanley |
Stuart Linn Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-7583 | slinn@berkeley.edu | 206 Barker Hall |
Terry Machen Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-2983 | tmachen@berkeley.edu | 231A Weill Hall |
G. Steven Martin Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-1508 | gsm@berkeley.edu | 480 Li Ka Shing Center |
John Ngai Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology | (510) 642-9885 | jngai@socrates.berkeley.edu | 269A Weill Hall |
Hiroshi Nikaido Professor of the Graduate School Division of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-2027 | nhiroshi@berkeley.edu | 426 Barker Hall |
W. Geoffrey Owen Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology | (510) 643-8878 | gowen@berkeley.edu | 105B Donner Lab |
Edward Penhoet Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-7227 | penhoet@berkeley.edu | 480 LKS |
Mu-ming Poo Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology | mpoo@berkeley.edu | 200B LKS | |
Jasper Rine Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor and Professor of the Graduate School Division of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | (510) 642-7047 | jrine@berkeley.edu | 406 Barker Hall |
Henk Roelink Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | 510 642 5126 | roelink@berkeley.edu | 171A Koshland Hall |
Kristin Scott Professor Emeritus of Genetics, Genomics, Evolution, and Development | kscott@berkeley.edu | ||
William Sha Professor Emeritus of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | bsha@berkeley.edu | ||
Jeremy Thorner Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-2558 | jthorner@berkeley.edu | 526 Barker Hall |
David Weisblat Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-8309 | weisblat@berkeley.edu | 381A Weill Hall |
Frank Werblin Professor Emeritus of Neurobiology | werblin@berkeley.edu | ||
Gerald Westheimer Professor of the Graduate School Division of Neurobiology | (510) 642-4828 | gwestheimer@berkeley.edu | 144 Weill Hall |
Fred Wilt Professor of the Graduate School Division of Cell Biology, Development and Physiology | (510) 642-2807 | wilt@berkeley.edu | 569A Weill Hall |
Astar Winoto Williams Endowed Chair and Professor Emeritus of Immunology and Molecular Medicine | (510) 642-0217 | winoto@berkeley.edu | 449 Weill Hall |
Qiang Zhou Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 643-1697 | qzhou@berkeley.edu | 585A Li Ka Shing Center |
Bob Zucker Professor of the Graduate School Division of Molecular and Cell Biology | (510) 642-3407 | zucker@berkeley.edu | 111A Weill Hall |
David Zusman Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology | (510) 642-2293 | zusman@berkeley.edu | 308 Barker Hall |